Are you looking for a splendid spot for your next out of town meeting? You should greatly consider baptist church Alexandria, Virginia. This city which is near the Potomac River offers a vibrant arts community, acclaimed restaurants, boutique shopping and much more – just a short boat ride away from Washington D.C. It’s home to the nation’s oldest district which houses almost more than 200 restaurants, shops, and other venues.
Alexandria, Virginia is famous for its well-preserved buildings that date back from the 18th and 19th centuries. It’s also known as George Washington’s hometown. Visit Alexandria, Virginia and walk on its brick sidewalks as you immerse yourself to a city that authentically blends the past and the future. The city is easily accessible as it is just minutes from the nearest airport.
Churches in Alexandria, Virginia
There are numerous churches in Alexandria, Virginia. One of them is Calvary Road Baptist Church. We’re committed to spiritual formation in a fun and engaging environment where the understanding of God can grow in lockstep with your growing understanding of the world.
Calvary Road Baptist Church is not just one of those churches in Alexandria, Virginia.
These are one of those churches that build-ups, equips, improves, encourages and supports their members. As Baptists, you gather together with other believers, as in attending church, is one important way to be trained as believers. You can also be instructed by teachings in a sermon, Bible study or small group.
Like most churches in Alexandria, Virginia. We incorporate music in our worship. But ours are alive and sung with passion. You will find some old music and some new songs, but all of them will still sound like they belong to God. And God deserves quality. You’ll find that, too.
Like most churches near Alexandria, we cater to the youth. We have a safe and caring family of faith. We believe that the most important thing for the youth is to grow up knowing the deep love of God and experiencing that love in the midst of a church family. We accomplish this through Sunday School and various programs, but also through incorporating children in every aspect of the church’s life in a developmentally appropriate way.
However, churches can never be perfect. You won’t find any. Every visible and local church consists of a mixture of members, all of whom are flawed to one extent or another. Even though you will not find a perfect church, do your best to find a solid church that honors the Bible and the essential beliefs of Christianity. As you search for a church, remember to pray for God’s guidance, too.
The church offices are located near Walker Lane and Laurel Grove School at 6811 Beulah St
Alexandria, Virginia. The administrative staff is available during office hours to assist visitors to the office and schedule appointments with the staff. For more inquiries you can contact us through the following:
Phone:+1 703-922-6700