Churches and the Rise of Mobile Apps

There is a fear in most church leaders nowadays. This is about technology and how it makes the congregation personally less connected to each other. The problem is churches tend to be reactors and some that don’t want a change. 


But whether you like it or not, one has to be on the cutting edge of revolution. Churches which have embraced mobile applications are building a wider community that is focusing on communication. With the rise of smartphones, it’s either you get passed by on information or run with the pack by speeding up. 


Important notifications 


One of the most important things a mobile app offers to churches everywhere is awareness of and communication. A regular interaction with one’s congregation will create in the future a greater trust. Having an app will make it less about the church and more about the community. 


You will be given instant communication courtesy of push notifications. Push notifications send information even if the app isn’t in use. Instead of writing it in a bulletin or newsletter or waiting to announce upcoming events on Sunday, you will be given simple send reminders or updates using push notifications. Isn’t that wonderful?


 All you need is to do is be attentive and listen. You will be connected with the church on an emotional level. Remember, it’s the church’s job to help the congregation connect to them on a spiritual level. 


Churches will have a team that will address your needs


Social media is where community happens online — that is why churches want to reach people where they are. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, are excellent tools for creating awareness around your church and engaging with your community. 


Most churches will have a dedicated team that will manage the app. They will be the ones who will maintain the updates.  They will upload content on a daily basis. They will also be the team to troubleshoot when a technological problem arises.


Effortlessly teach and help bring in new members


Technology enables the mission that is being spread by churches everywhere. It provides an expanded reach. It helps the churches bring their word closer to anywhere in the world.


Chances are, new visitors will Google the churches in the area. A website should come up. There, you  can already learn everything they need to know. A mobile church app, however, will take this further to the next step. 


Instead of hating technology that can create tight community, churches in Alexandria VA must instead redeem it. Having a mobile app is a sure way to secure a strong presence. You are now living in an increasingly digital world, which means digital outreach belongs as part of strategy. If churches don’t include digital outreach as part of their overall strategy, they are overlooking an important way to connect with the community.



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