All Wednesday Classes and Activities at CRBC are canceled for tonight, January 8 due to the weather conditions


To the CRBC community:

As we prayerfully navigate the Covid-19 health issue, we wanted to give you a few updates as to how we have approached re-opening our church campus in the safest way possible. We have taken into account guidance from the government and health organizations in regards to mitigating this serious illness. If you’re checking out our church for the first time or if you have been viewing the service online, here is what you can expect when you visit our campus on Sunday mornings:


-Face masks are optional in the auditorium.

-Enhanced cleaning measures in restroom facilities and high touch areas, such as door handles.

 -Hand Sanitizing stations are located throughout the building in the main foyer, as well as on the lower level by door entryways.



The coronavirus (COVID-19) is yet one more reminder that we live in a fallen world of sickness, sin, suffering, and death. Ultimately, none of us are immune to any of these things. But that’s why the gospel is such good news. God has not left us alone in this world of sickness, sin, suffering, and death. He has come to us in the person of Jesus. The greatest news in all the world is that Jesus lived a life with no sin, died on a cross to pay the price for our sin, and rose from the grave in victory over sin and death. Now anyone anywhere who turns from their sin and trusts in Jesus will be forgiven of all their sin and restored to relationship with God forever. That means that through Jesus, we never have to fear sickness or death because we know we have eternal life with God.

If you do not know that you have eternal life with God, we urge you to put your faith in Jesus. And if you do know that you have eternal life with God, we urge you to share your faith in Jesus with others. Times like these remind us all of the fragility of life and the inevitability of death. So let’s spread the greatest news that death has been defeated and eternal life is available to all who trust in Jesus.

In addition to trusting in Jesus and sharing about Jesus with others, here’s some other ways you can respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19):

  • Trust in God as the good and sovereign Creator and Sustainer of life upon whom we all depend.
  • Pray for mercy for the sick, strength for doctors, insight for researchers, and wisdom for officials.
  • Look for opportunities to love and care for others, whether they are sick, isolated, marginalized, poor, or oppressed.
  •  Avoid every semblance of prejudice or racism. In light of the origination of this virus in Asia, it has been grievous to see a rise in racist incidents against the Asian community. Much of our church family (and much of our city) is Asian-American, and we want every Asian-American (as well as Asians around the world) to feel and know the love of Christ. So just as we do in any circumstance, guard against all prejudice or racism in your thoughts, your words, and your actions.
  • Even if we are unable to gather at certain times, stay closely connected to the church family. Gather with smaller groups as appropriate.
  • Continue to faithfully give financial offerings online HERE or by mail so that the ministry of the church thrives all the more in the midst of difficult days.
  • Reflect often on the brevity of life, the urgency of eternity, and the beauty of the gospel.

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