Young People
and is

Luis Vidal

AWANA Ministry Director



Hello and welcome to AWANA Clubs,


“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

The goal for AWANA Clubs is to reach boys and girls for Christ, and train them to serve Him. Based on 2 Timothy 2:15, AWANA, which is an acronym for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, is all about helping kids learn to know, love, and serve God. Kids attend AWANA Clubs here at Calvary Road Baptist Church every week because they learn, grow, and know that they have a Leader who cares for them – all while having FUN! The AWANA Clubs program offers a proven approach for early evangelism and discipleship with Scripture-based Clubs and exciting games that promote Bible literacy and helps kids, of all ages, develop a lifelong faith in Christ.

Parents are welcome to visit and observe at  any time.

Please let me know how I may be of further assistance. Thanks for reading!

The Awana Clubs ministry of Calvary Road has been a staple children’s ministry since 1982. It is an integral part of our discipleship ministry for children and one that we are so excited to offer our church family and the community. Our Clubs run through the school year (September – May) and are offered for preschool (ages 3 &4 – Cubbies), early elementary (Grades K-2 – Sparks), and upper-elementary (Grades 3-6 – Truth & Training [T&T]). Many of our AWANA Clubs volunteers have served in this ministry at Calvary Road for 30-plus years. The majority of our volunteers have a 10-15 year tenure working in this ministry. Our Clubs are staffed to ensure every enrolled child receives the attention he/she needs so that means that our enrollment is limited. Please visit our Registration page to learn more. Please reach out to Luis Vidal with any questions that you may have about this ministry. We are here for you and your family and are proud to offer this ministry to our church family and community.

Awana Club Calendar

AWANA Clubs are OPEN for the 2023/2024 school year.

AWANA Clubs is closed for the summer and will resume Wednesday, September 6.
Early registration for CRBC children from August 14-20. Open registration begins August 21.

AWANA Clubs is closed for the summer and will resume Wednesday, September 6.

Early registration for CRBC children from August 14-20.
Open registration begins August 21.









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