Young People
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AS OF: 11/25/2013

AS OF: 11/20/2013

Calvary Road Baptist Church is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for those participating in our ministry activities—children and youth. We also seek to minimize any vulnerability to unwarranted accusations of improper behavior that our organization, volunteers, and employees may experience as they fulfill their ministerial duties. To fulfill these commitments as fully as possible, our leadership team has adopted the following procedures to be used, without exception, when selecting ministry volunteers and new employees.


Child – infant through 6th grade

Youth – 7th grade through 18 years old

Volunteer – adult (19 years old and above) who serves in early childhood, children’s, or youth ministry at CRBC

Employee – anyone who is employed by CRBC

Worker – anyone (child, youth, adult) who serves in early childhood, children’s, or youth ministry at CRBC or is employed by CRBC

Ministry Leader – Director of Early Childhood, Children’s Pastor, and Youth Pastor

Volunteer Screening Procedures

  1. Prior to consideration, all candidates seeking a volunteer position that involves working with infants through 18 years old will: 1) be an active member of Calvary Road Baptist Church, 2) complete and return an initial ministry application (See the sample work application form), and 3) will have a background check which we will provide.
  2. All volunteer candidates must be actively attending Calvary Road Baptist Church for three (3) months or more before they will be considered for any ministry position involving contact with children or youth.
  3. The ministry leader, or person designated by them, will carefully review the application, ensuring that the candidate is an appropriate match for the ministry position. The ministry leader also will store all application materials—the application form, background checks, reference check, notes from interviews, etc.—in a locked file cabinet or other secure location.
  4. The ministry leader will conduct a criminal background check through a state law enforcement agency or other provider of such services.
  5. When indicated by reference and/or background checks, volunteer candidates who pose a threat to others, or have been convicted of physical or sexual abuse directed against another person, will be removed immediately from consideration for ministry positions within our children’s and youth ministries.

Employee Screening Procedures

  1. The same procedures required for volunteer workers also apply to all potential employees, regardless of the ministry position for which they are being considered.
  2. In addition, a criminal background check performed through a state law enforcement agency or other provider of such services is required for all potential employees.
  3. When indicated by our reference and/or background checks, employment candidates who pose a threat to others, or have been convicted of physical or sexual abuse directed against another person, will be removed immediately from consideration for employment anywhere within our organization.


  1. At least two adult volunteers must be present at every function or program involving children or youth. This includes each classroom, vehicle, or other enclosed area.
  2. Two or more adults must be assigned to monitor children’s or youth activities in areas outside the location of a ministry service or event that is in progress (such as the gym or playground, etc.). The adults assigned must have been previously approved through our ministry screening process.
  3. Workers should arrive at least 15 minutes before a scheduled activity. They must remain at their assigned post until all children and youth in their care have been picked up by an authorized person. No children or youth should be released to find their parents or wait unattended for transportation.
  4. All ministry functions involving children or youth should maintain an attendance list for every function. Record the date of the function, along with the names of all participants, ministry coordinators, and supervisors, volunteers, and workers.
  5. No photographs of any children or youth will be posted on the internet by adults, volunteers, workers, employees, or ministry leaders without prior parental consent.


  1. When workers meet with children or youth for spiritual or emotional counseling, team counseling is encouraged by one screened adult and a parent/guardian.
  2. All counseling sessions should be limited to three occasions for no more than 30 minutes at a time. If more counseling is required, a professional counselor should be recommended.
  3. Secure prior permission from parents/guardians when counseling a minor. If the person being counseled is an adult employee or volunteer, secure prior approval of the worker’s supervisor.

Volunteer/Worker Restrictions

  1. During a ministry program/event, children, ages 6 and above (Grades 1-6), will go to the restroom using the “buddy” system. The “buddy” system mandates that when a child needs to use the restroom that he/she will be assigned (by the teacher/leader), a peer-partner to accompany the child to the restroom facility. The “buddy” is to remain in the restroom until both children are ready to return to the classroom. During the period of time while the children are out of the classroom, the teacher/leader will leave the classroom door open as a reminder to watch for the timely return of both children.
  2. Children age 5 or younger (boys and girls) will only be assisted as needed in the restroom by an adult female. Diapers will only be changed by female workers.
  3. Never touch a child’s private areas except when necessary, as in the case of changing a diaper
  4. Workers/Volunteers should avoid the appearance of impropriety—such as sitting older children on their laps, kissing, or embracing others, etc.
  5. Workers/Volunteers are to release children (6th grade and under) in their care only to parents, guardians, or person specifically authorized to pick up the child. Children may be released to older siblings only with prior parental communication.
  6. The following worker age restrictions will be followed:
    • volunteers must be at least 13 years of age or in, at least, the 7th Grade to assist with infants through children
    • volunteers must be at least 19 years old to work with junior high students
    • volunteers must be at least 21 years old to work with senior high students
  7. Under no circumstances will youth ministry workers/volunteers pursue a dating relationship with a student, regardless of the student’s age.


  1. Workers are never to spank, hit, shake, or otherwise physically discipline anyone. Physical restraint should only be used in a situation where it is reasonably necessary to prevent an individual from physically harming himself or another individual.
  2. Workers are never to verbally abuse a child, such as calling them names, or use a tone of voice that shames or frightens a child.
  3. Disciplinary problems should be reported to the ministry activity coordinator or supervisor and/or to a parent or guardian.

Injuries or Illness

  1. Persons who are ill (with a fever, or a communicable disease that can be transmitted by cough or by touch) will not be permitted to participate in any ministry activity.
  2. A suitable worker—one who has been previously approved through our ministry screening process—must be used to take the place of a worker who is ill.
  3. Participants should be returned to their parent or guardian as soon as illness is discovered. If immediate return is not possible, then the person who is ill should be isolated in a manner that allows an adult worker to monitor the participant until he/she can be returned to a parent or guardian.
  4. Take reasonable steps to avoid contact with blood, saliva, or other bodily fluids. First Aid kits with latex gloves are provided as needed.
  5. Ministry coordinators and supervisors who become aware of an injury to a worker or participant will take steps to ensure that proper medical attention is given to the injured person and provide for continued monitoring of the remaining activity participants.
  6. Persons who have received an injury that is obviously minor should be given first aid as needed at the time of injury. The individual’s parents or guardians should be notified of the injury when they pick up the injured person.
  7. Any injury that may require medical treatment beyond simple first aid should be given immediate attention. The parents or guardians of the injured person should be notified immediately, along with the ministry worker’s coordinator or supervisor. If warranted by the injury, emergency medical personnel should be called.
  8. Ministry workers should prepare a written Notice of Injury report whenever an injury occurs during a ministry function. Promptly forward the incident report to the ministry coordinator or supervisor. One copy should be given to the parent and one copy should be kept on file at CRBC.

Notice of Injury, Abuse, or Molestation

  1. Volunteer or paid ministry workers who become aware of any injury, abuse, or molestation occurring within any ministry activity must immediately inform their activity coordinator, supervisor, or ministry leader.
  2. Activity coordinators and supervisors who become aware of any injury, abuse, or molestation connected with a ministry activity must immediately inform the ministry leader about it. The ministry leader should then complete a Notice of Injury form.
  3. Ministry leaders who become aware of possible abuse or molestation of a participant must ensure that the participant’s parent or guardian is immediately informed that possible abuse or molestation has occurred. The ministry leader also will ensure that our Executive Pastor, currently Michael Williams, is immediately contacted to provide an opinion as to whether CRBC should report the possible abuse or molestation to law enforcement authorities. The Executive Pastor’s advice should be acted upon immediately, including reporting the incident to the authorities. The Executive Pastor also should be contacted immediately if the ministry leader or activity monitor becomes aware of possible abuse or molestation of a participant by a parent or guardian.
  4. Ministry leaders must promptly notify our ministry’s insurance carrier (general or professional liability insurance) upon notice of abuse or molestation.

Violation of Policy or Procedures

  1. Ministry workers must promptly notify their ministry coordinator or supervisor when they or others violate the procedures mandated by this policy.
  2. Ministry coordinators, supervisors, and ministry leaders who become aware of a violation of the procedures set by this policy are required to take all necessary steps to ensure future compliance with them. In the process of ensuring compliance with this policy, it may become necessary to remove workers from their positions.

Internal Investigation

  1. Calvary Road Baptist Church considers any allegation of abuse or molestation a serious matter. Each situation will be fully investigated by ministry leaders, always with the assistance of legal counsel and civil authorities.
  2. Employees who are the subject of an investigation will be removed from their position, with pay, pending completion of the investigation. Employees who admit to the abuse or molestation will be terminated consistent with the established employment practices of CRBC.
  3. Volunteer subjects of any investigation will be removed from their positions pending completion of the investigation.
  4. CRBC will remove any employees or volunteers from their ministerial duties within the organization if they are found guilty of abuse or molestation. Whenever termination of employment is a factor, we also will consult with legal counsel.

Overnight Trips

On overnight trips, the policies and procedures mentioned above apply at all times. These include: supervision, counseling, restrictions, discipline, notifications of abuse, and violations of policies and procedures.

Annual Review

Each January, we will conduct a review meeting. At that time, the procedures mandated by this policy will be reviewed with all volunteers, employees, ministry coordinators and supervisors, and the leadership of the organization.

Revision of Policy and Procedures

The leadership of Calvary Road, with the assistance of legal counsel, will regularly review this policy and the procedures established within it. If necessary, the policies and procedures will be modified in accordance with the bylaws of the organization. When changes are made, ministry leaders will communicate them to all employees and volunteers affected by the policy changes.