Child – infant through 6th grade
Youth – 7th grade through 18 years old
Volunteer – adult (19 years old and above) who serves in early childhood, children’s, or youth ministry at CRBC
Employee – anyone who is employed by CRBC
Worker – anyone (child, youth, adult) who serves in early childhood, children’s, or youth ministry at CRBC or is employed by CRBC
Ministry Leader – Director of Early Childhood, Children’s Pastor, and Youth Pastor
On overnight trips, the policies and procedures mentioned above apply at all times. These include: supervision, counseling, restrictions, discipline, notifications of abuse, and violations of policies and procedures.
Each January, we will conduct a review meeting. At that time, the procedures mandated by this policy will be reviewed with all volunteers, employees, ministry coordinators and supervisors, and the leadership of the organization.
The leadership of Calvary Road, with the assistance of legal counsel, will regularly review this policy and the procedures established within it. If necessary, the policies and procedures will be modified in accordance with the bylaws of the organization. When changes are made, ministry leaders will communicate them to all employees and volunteers affected by the policy changes.