Youth Mission Trip to Belize 2022
July 5 – 12, 2022
The NextGen Ministry of Calvary Road (NG712 & Rise Members) are once again headed down to Central America to the great Orange Walk District of Belize. This will be our 5th mission trip to Orange Walk and the 5th visit to the wonderful church family of Iglesia De Dios Pentecostes Lirio de los Valles (Lily of the Valley). Through the years, our team has developed deep and lasting relationships with the people of Orange Walk. Their love for us and ours for them have cultivated a very prosperous ministry partnership where we continue to see the hand of God work through our partnership.
This year, we, Lord willing, will be involved in a church expansion project where we will help construct a new and additional education space for their growing church. We will also be joining in to offer hospital care ministry, street evangelism, home visits, mercy ministry through Blessing Bags, and provide a Vacation Bible School (VBS) for the children of Orange Walk. In years past we have been blessed to minister to over 120 children during our weekly VBS program. During VBS we share Bible stories, provide Christian music and dancing for the children, as well as craft projects, sports ministry, and snacks. When the children come to VBS, their smiling and eager faces warm the hearts of our mission team and this is one of the highlights of our week on mission.
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The projected cost for each team member’s trip is $2,100.00. We thank you in advance for your prayers and financial support as we, once again, head to Belize. We are bringing new team members this year as well as many who have been all four times in the past.
We are thankful for the opportunity to minister in this fashion and we look forward to providing a mission report to Calvary Road very soon after we return.
May God bless your loving support for our adults, teens, and college students.
Kevin Corey
NextGen Pastor

Watch our Puerto Rico video from 2019

Watch our last Belize video from 2021
Belize Mission Trip 2022
Team Members
Thank you for your prayers & financial support.

Chip Bonar
NG712 Director
My name is Chip Bonar and it is my privilege to serve as the NextGen712 Youth Director at Calvary Road. I am very excited about the mission team we are taking to Belize this year. We plan to minister to families in the town of Orange Walk with blessing bags, serve the children through Vacation Bible School, clean and repair homes, and help the church with a construction project that will enlarge the sanctuary for much needed room.
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My life verse is John 15:5, “I Am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing” (ESV).
Every time we go to the mission field lives are changed. Usually, it is our own as we see needs met and return thankful for the blessings, we often take for granted at home in America. We hope to make a positive difference in lives while on mission this summer in Central America.
My name is Joshua Bonar and I am a Sophomore at Northern Virginia Community College. I am very excited to be a part of this mission team and hope to successfully serve our brothers and sisters in Orange Walk, Belize this summer. I also plan to use this opportunity to strengthen my ability to share the gospel, and further grow in my faith through Christ.
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My life verse is James 1:17 – ”Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”
My name is Joseph Carpenter and I am a sophomore at George Mason University. My goal on this mission trip is to inspire others to live their lives for Jesus as well as learn from others to see what it looks like to serve God with all your heart.
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That leads into my life verse which is Proverbs 27-17 and it says that “Iron sharpeneth iron so man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend”. This verse reminds me that I must look out for my fellow man and help them deepen their relationship with our Lord. It also reminds me to be thankful for the people in my life and what they have taught me. I would not be the Christian that I am today if I never met my church family.
My name is Carson Chesnut and I am freshman at Liberty University. I am studying Camp and Outdoor Adventure Leadership, which is the school of Divinity, and I’m on the Liberty Men’s Club Swim team. This will be my 3rd mission trip to Belize and 4th mission trip with Calvary Road.
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My life verse is Proverbs 17:17 “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity”. I’ve considered myself a loving person and I plan on showing the Love of God while in Belize. I’m especially excited for this trip because I’ve learned a lot in my first year at Liberty, and I’m excited to use what I’ve learned to share the gospel and change the lives of many adults and children in Belize.
My name is Evan Chesnut, and I am a sophomore at Hayfield High School. This will be my 1st mission trip with Calvary Road Baptist Church. I am excited to go to Belize and spread the word of Jesus while we are there. Everyone says it is a life changing experience and I can’t wait to go.
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My life verse is Jeremiah 29:12 “ You will call to me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you”.

Kevin Corey
NextGen Pastor
Greetings from Kevin Corey, the NextGen Pastor at Calvary Road Baptist Church. This is my fifth trip to Orange Walk Belize and I can’t wait to get back in-country. The wonderful people of Belize are such a joy to be around. We are family, and have been since our first trip in 2016. We do life together throughout the year over Facebook Messenger audio/video and we share each other’s praises and burdens. What a joy it is to share Christ with the village-people of Orange Walk. It is also a very special honor to worship with the people of Lily of the Valley Church. The children of Orange Walk are my heart and our ministry to them through Vacation Bible School each summer is a highlight of my year.
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Did I mention how good the food is? Oh my! Delicious food and such special people who serve us while we’re there. God is honored every year while we’re in Belize and I look forward to sharing fellowship with our friends again this summer. My favorite Bible verse is Romans 1:16, which states, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. For it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes – to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” May God be praised!
Hi, my name is Sharron Cook. I’ve served at Calvary Road Baptist Church in many capacities, vocalist in a music group, nursery worker, elementary Sunday school teacher, AWANA leader, musician in a youth band, women’s ministry, and now I’m a youth leader in our high school NextGen ministry. I’ve
been called to join a group of youth and youth leaders to go on a mission trip to Orange Walk, Belize in July 2022.
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While there we will hold several days of Vacation Bible School for about 120 children; make and give out blessing bags full of food staples, the gospel message, and a bible; help our host church with a building expansion; engage the locals and tourist in Caye Caulker about Jesus and give them Bibles. Two Bible verses I have been memorizing are in Romans 8:31-32, which say, “What then shall
We say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” We serve a gracious God, who loves us and doesn’t want things FROM us, but wants things FOR us. Won’t you share in the blessing by helping me change lives in Belize? By doing so, it will change your life too.
Hi! My name is Hannah Dawson and I’m a junior at George Mason University. I am currently 21 and have had the amazing opportunity to travel to Belize since I was 15. This will be my 5th year going directly to Lirio De Los Valles and my 6th mission trip overall. I would say the people of Belize humbled me and changed my life forever as a young, immature 15-year-old.
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These sweet people opened my eyes and made me realize how blessed I am to live the life I do. What separates the Belizeans from us Americans is their ability to find fulfillment in non-materialistic things. They are the most generous people even when they have little to offer. I can truly say that we as a mission team travel into these less fortunate areas to bless others, yet we always come out blessed in unspeakable ways. Your support and prayers are beyond appreciated.
I am so very excited to be returning to Belize for the 10th time serving with the young people of Calvary Road Baptist Church. My name is Sherri Dawson, and I am a stay-at-home grandma (who doesn’t stay home much) who loves on her babies (3 adult children & husband), grandbabies (4 with #5 on the way), and my (4) fur babies. I serve in a variety of ministries, but love cooking for our youth and growing with them. While in Belize, we will be doing Blessing Bags, Vacation Bible School, working on a church expansion project and ministering to the amazing people of Orange Walk.
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I especially love cooking and talking with the precious women of the church and bonding over our love for Christ. I have had the honor and privilege of serving with all three of my daughters on mission trips and have first-hand witnessed the growth in our youth as they serve others. They learn life lessons at a young age that helps direct their heart toward service and God’s infinite love. The verse God has laid on my heart is Titus 3:14. In these verses, Paul is telling us what everyone should live in such a way that they will have what it takes to help others at any given moment. Your prayers and financial support of these trips are making an impact in both the people of Belize, and those of us who go. Thank you!
My name is Erika Delgado and it is my privilege to serve as a NextGen712 Youth Leader at Calvary Road. I am very excited about the mission trip we are embarking on to the town of Orange Walk Belize this year. This will be my second time visiting the Lirios de Los valles church. We plan to minister to families in the town of Orange Walk with blessing bags, serve the children through Vacation Bible School, clean and repair homes, and help the church with a construction project to enlarge the sanctuary.
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My life verse is 1 Corinthians 16:14. “Let all that you do be done in love”.(ESV).
Every time we go to the mission field we leave the comfort of our homes our patience is tested but the love we receive and experience exceeds any discomfort. We value and sort our lives into a different perspective. The experience changes our lives and those who we seek to serve. We return thankful for the blessings we often take for granted at home in America. We hope to make a positive difference in lives while on mission this summer in Central America. I pray God uses my team and I, to do His will and we can contribute to the growth of His kingdom.
My name is Roger Fleming. I am a senior at South County High School. I like to learn about the automotive industry, welding, and hanging out with my friends at church and school. I also like to help out and be a part of the teen group. I have been attending Calvary Road all my life. I went to Belize in 2021 and can’t wait to go again this summer. I am excited to see what God has in store for our group and how He will use us to bless the church in Belize. John 3:16
My name is Dylan Haggerty, I am 20 years old and I am excited to be returning to Belize for a fifth time. I am going on the trip so that I can spread the gospel and continue helping the church and our friends there. I hope to contribute to the mission by serving others and supporting the team any way I can. A verse that I will keep in my heart while on this trip is proverbs 16:3: Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed. This verse reminds me that as long as my actions bring glory to God, He will make sure I succeed.
My name is Heather Hawkins. I attend Calvary Road Baptist Church where I am a member of NextGen. I have volunteered in the nursery, assisted with AWANA and Vocational Bible School. I am currently a sophomore in high school. I have a passion for creativity and helping others. I am glad to have this opportunity to go on my first mission trip with Calvary Road Baptist Church. My life verse is Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
My name is Lyletha Hawkins. I attend Calvary Road Baptist Church where I have volunteered in the nursery, an AWANA leader, Sunday School and Vocational Bible School teacher. My passion is helping others to be their best self. I have always wanted to go on a mission trip but the timing was never right. As I prepare for my first mission trip, I know it will be powerful, life-changing experience that will broaden my perspective and rejuvenate my spirit and mind. My life verse is Philippians 4:13, “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”
My name is Ramiro Maya Jr. AKA ‘JR’. I serve the Lord within the Youth Ministry at Calvary Road Baptist Church, and during the workweek, I serve Him as a Soldier in the United States Army. My life verse relates to my profession and birthdate, John 3:16 For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son, for whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. There is no greater love than sacrificing one’s life for one’s friend. One Soldier’s ultimate sacrifice multiplied x infinity = Jesus Christ crucified. We need the world to meet the ultimate friend in Christ.
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This will be my second mission trip. Please pray for me to be a good example to our youth and to my own family. I Pray all the people in Belize see our Lord Jesus Christ through every thought, word, and act from our youth ministry and myself. Above all, may we grow in faith, hope, and love for Jesus during this mission trip. May Your will be done, in Jesus’ name
My name is Hanna Orozco and I am a junior at Thomas Edison High School and a part of the NextGen712 Youth at Calvary Road. This would be my second missions trip that I attend. My favorite part about going to Belize is ministering to families in the town of Orange walk and serving the children through vacation bible school. It is amazing to connect with the people in Belize through the love of Christ.
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My life verse is Psalm 23:4 “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” Every time we go to the mission field Im confident God leads our steps and our activities. I can be courageous to go knowing that He is strengthening me. I pray that we can contribute to growing God’s Kingdom on this trip!
Hello, my name is Sean Smith. I’m an 11th grade student who will be joining our ministry in Belize this summer. While this is my first missions’ trip, I am no stranger to selfless service. For most of my life I have been a boy scout and even been inducted into the Order of the Arrow, a scouting honor society dedicated to service projects. I came to CRBC almost 5 years ago where I got saved and baptized shortly after. Since then, I’ve been an active student of the Next-gen 712 ministry. We as a ministry can provide those living in Orange Walk with many services including blessing bags, vacation bible school, home cleaning and repairs, and even construction projects for their church.
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The verse I live by is Proverbs 3:27 “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in the power of your hand to do so” (NKJV). God has used this verse to help me realize my passion in trauma medicine which is why I now aspire to be a trauma nurse and reservist in the army nurse corps. I hope to take the passion and gifts God has granted me to benefit the Belizean’s lives this summer!
Hi, my name is Ryan Spinello, I am currently in 12th grade. I am home schooled. I can’t wait to go back to Belize to be able to serve all the amazing people I got to meet last time, with this wonderful team that we have. I am excited and ready and serve the Lord in whatever way I’m needed in Belize. My life verse is James 1: 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
My name is Joshua Wang, and I will be serving as a member on the NextGen712, 2022, missions team to Belize. I’m proud to be working with CRBC, Thirst Missions, and Lilly of the Valley in our journey back to the county of Orange Walk, Belize. We plan to minister to families by handing out blessing bags, leading
children’s BS, clean and repair homes, and assist the church with construction projects to enlarge the sanctuary.
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My life verse is Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (NKJV). There are
often moments when we are missing the answers to the challenges we face, and in those times should we put our faith in God. We hope to put our faith in God through this pandemic to make a positive impact while on our missions trip to Belize.